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Magnificent itinerary of 8 days dedicated to the discovery of the wealth of the ancient and glorious capitals of Russia and the cities of the Golden Ring. Landscapes with picturesque views of the Russian countryside round the ancient towns where the history of this magnificent country still passes and where, over the centuries, there have been no major changes. This visit will allow you to experience the frenetic life of Moscow in a few days before you will admire the architectural splendor of St. Petersburg and the traditional Russian countryside. The tour of the Golden Ring will show you these historic cities located to the north-east of Moscow which are the cradle of Russian civilization and history, and you will enjoy the life and traditions of the Russian province. This region, between Moscow and the Volga, with a glorious past and a great historical and architectural interest, houses the oldest Russian monasteries where you can admire works of art that hardly anywhere else you can find. Crossing this area also means being able to enjoy some of the beauty and unparalleled natural authenticity of the Russian province and the country.

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